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  • Writer's pictureDerek Hui

Avengers: Endgame - A Cinematic Masterpiece That is Literally a Knockout

Title: Avengers: Endgame

Release Date: April 26, 2019

View Time: April 1, 2019 - 6:00 A.M. (Universe Premiere!!!)

Running Time: 182 minutes

Format & Location: IMAX 3D - London SilverCity Masonville Mall

To recognize my dedication as a Marvel fan for the past decade, Marvel Studios had decided to send me a copy of Avengers: Endgame nearly four weeks before its worldwide release on a copy that will self-destruct after the first viewing. Normally I would start by giving a short blurb about previous movies in the series, but this time it is so BIG, and I had so many ideas going through my mind when walking out of the theatre, let's just dive right into it.


Last time we have seen the Avengers, half of them just disappeared after Thanos's snap. With the remaining heroes spreading all over the place, it takes one hero to unite them together for the final battle. And no... it's not Captain Marvel, it's Mickey Mouse!! Mickey had just celebrated his 90th birthday this past November and he is thrilled to play as himself and serves as the most important member on the team (and no, Donald Duck and Goofy didn't come with him).

Meanwhile, Tony and Nebula are drift in space, they repaired the spaceship together and asfdljask as dfhl;sdkfj;la sfdlkjsadl;fkn;lafs ;lskjdflkjsdaf ;lkjsdlfnasdlkfj dsafkj;sdlkfjs lkjl;safdjsda jlkjdsf lsajdf;lkjslfkjas; dsafljksdlakjfsda lkjdsaflkjsdf; lkja;sldfkjfsd l;kjasl;fdkj lkjad;lsdfjk ljkasdfl;kj. iluysdfgopi eifjapoifjaeow Avengers rock aesrjaepslrjaesireupw;oiru oisdjflsafdjk. sdajiflkadsjf;ijsao lijsdflijasdl lkusadjfoilaes; oiadfjs;lkansd ioljasdfoa oijsfiosjol saelhjsadpoi sdl;fijasdopfijasdpoijfoiasj jsdpofijasdpoifd asfdkj;alskdfj; asdflkjdas;ijfdo;iajfds oijasdfoij asdfjasdfojam oiasjdfp;ioasdjf;j oijdopfaijsdf;lfkjd jiadosfjdsapoifjoais sdfiojasdjadfspfjd aoisdjfposdiajfoaisdj oijasdpofijasdoifdjaposifd;l adsfjiofdsjfds. And they successfully retrieve the Mind Stone from Thanos's gauntlet and make it back to Earth.

Meanwhile, Scott/Ant-Man is trapped inside the Quantum Realm as he encounters a teenage girl, who is later revealed to be his daughter Cassie from the future. Emma Fuhrmann was thrilled to announce that she will play Cassie alongside with Abby Ryder Fortson in this new movie. And asf;dkljafsd;lkjafsd; sadflkjasd;lfdkj daslfjlfsdak adsfkjfasd;ljfkd asldkjflksadfj askjdf;ladsjk asdfkj;aldsjfda asdfkljlasdjf; wertoijafewpoijew asdfjsdaf;ljfdsd the visual is stunning in IMAX 3D and in full screen asdfkjsad;fljkads;l lkdajf;kjasd;fjksa ;laisdjfl;kdsajlfkj l;skdajfl;dsakjf;lkjasdf kl;sadfjl;sadkjdfl; salkdfjl;sadkjfd ;lsakjdf;lkjsa;ldfkj a;sldkfjlkasdfjfdoikl dsahfjofdsahjfodi sadfijdsaopidfjpoasdfij asdfoijsdofijasdf sdfjfsdlajdfsolk sdjgfpoigafjiofs asiofjaopirjirew The Wasp is brought back to the real world sadflkjds;lfjds;akflj sadlfkjasl;kfjd;asd jsadf;lkjsda;lkjfsa ;lkjsdaflkjasf dskjf;ladksjfdas;ljfds lksdjflkadsj dslkjf.sadkjf; ljsdaflkjasd;lkjdsaf lkj;dlaksfjf;dlaskjdflkja lkjasdfljkasd;ldfja ;kjsdafoijeoifawej ikasdjfpoidsajfopidsaj ;ljsdfoijasoifajhsefiojes lsdakj;flkdjaoifdjasildj ijsfijaspdfiojasd lijsdafopijafsiofdjsoiaw lkdjsfoijasfopijsaoifjadso ijsadfpoidsajfiojasdpfoijdsan sadiojfoipdsjfdiosadij. And finally Scott found his parents in the Quantum Realm and now he knows he is not alone.

As the last and the most critical instalment of the first Saga of MCU entitled "The Infinity Saga", of course we're going to say goodbye to some of our old favourites. In fact, this movie is so tragic and devastating, Marvel Studios Kevin Feige just announced at the end of this screening that the release of Spider-Man: Far from Home,  which is supposed to come out in July, will be cancelled, making Endgame the true definitive end of MCU. I don't know about you, but I was on my knees when he announced that! As you probably know, Spider-Man is my favourite character in Marvel and it is a pain for me to wait for another reboot. Here's hoping that the studio will change its mind in the future and release this as a standalone TV movie. Rest assured, if that really happens, I'm sure that it will generate more views than Friends Series Finale back in 2004!

So at the end of this movie, Iron Man, unfortunately, has to sacrifice his parents in the past to retrieve the Soul Stone, and everything comes back to a full circle. Loki is brought back to life, Steve/Captain America travels back to the past to be with Peggy with Soul Stone, and Doctor Strange, without Infinity Stone and a temple to guard, retires his job with Wong as sorcerers and are now running a delicious fried chicken business in New York. Thanos gets to see the sunset for the last time as he witnesses himself trapped inside the Soul Stone and Gamora getting out of it.  


The movie is so mind-blowing that one post is never enough, I will make a second review after seeing it for the second time on the night of Thursday, April 25 (hopefully!). But until then, I just want to say this movie has a great story arc, astonishing visual effects, and an ending so tear-dropping that people are using tissues by the box! I can see a future in this movie as a part of Criterion Collection in the next year or so, may I suggest Criterion to release all 22 MCU movies so far?

Confused? Don't worry! You can go see Avengers: Endgame when it comes out in theatres starting the night of April 25! Tickets should be on sale by tomorrow (April 2), I know I'll be there for the second time!

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